About Us

The Sanskrit word Arogya connotes health, and health in the widest sense of the term, beyond the basic notion of the treatment of disease. The subject of health and healing, we are beginning to appreciate, is one of the most intriguingly multi-faceted, creative areas there is to explore and learn. It, of course, includes our modern modalities of medicine, but health, truly speaking, is a dynamic vitality of being.

Our favorite theme at AUM Arogya is holistic transformation. What could we do that leaves us best prepared to handle this great experience we are all immersed in, which is life itself? It is to be vitally healthy in mind and body, thought and emotion, work, and leisure. Our minds and bodies are forever inseparable in the great interconnectedness of being.

This was our seed idea for AUM Living Cards. There’s much ancient wisdom there that tells us to work with words. Thought and feeling are ever-present aspects of our lives. These cards create a space to work with them intentionally. They serve as a daily reminder, our ongoing cue to invite the light of high qualities and ideals, virtues and aspirations, and contemplate them. Access is through the medium of language, and words. Reflecting, and ideally embodying the essence of the words, we reorient and transform our outlook, and fortify our vitality. The rational mind might wonder at the seemingly abstract connection, but our intuitive mind already knows the power of this approach.

A portion of the proceeds from these cards will give back to initiatives and charities we support in the broader cause of holistic health and wellness. Thank you for your contribution to this beautiul cause.