Transform Your Day With A Word

With Our Intentionally Crafted AUM Living Cards


Words to transform with

Often it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. While that could be true, it is equally true that the right word can trigger a thousand pictures. Words, much like symbols, have a fascinating life of their own. Mantras, in fact, are words and sounds of power. This boxed set of cards, in a way, are contemporary mantras, carefully chosen for transformative power.

Each of our cards in this collection of 108 offers a word of significance. The word can be a value to imbibe, an ideal to inspire, or a quality to nurture. The card shines the spotlight, if you will, on the word. It is your invitation to enter the word’s inner realm, and unravel its nuances and secrets.

Pick a card for each day, and let its word become the guiding muse and intention for the day. Let the card be somewhere easily visible, like your work space, car dashboard, or favorite cozy corner at home. Contemplate and reflect on the word as you go about your day’s activities. Allow the word’s subtle workings to unfold and blossom in awareness, letting it trigger images, associations and insights. Let the essence of the word come to touch and inspire your being, bringing a gift of transformation.

This deck of cards is all about transforming with words. Words, indeed, are conduits of magic. All true transformation is magic.